It’s been a while since Swimmer One released any new music, and that isn’t likely to change any time soon – although there will be a new Seafieldroad album in autumn 2014. In the meantime, we’ve all been working together on this…
All Back To Bowie’s is a big, collaborative project led by the playwright David Greig, with whom we previously worked on Whatever Gets You Through The Night. It’s a daily lunchtime show at the Edinburgh Fringe billed as ‘an hour of gentle thought and hard daydreaming’ about the Scottish independence referendum – the title is, obviously, a response to Bowie’s ‘Scotland stay with us’ provocation at the Brit Awards.
As well as David and ourselves, the team putting it together includes Kieran Hurley, Julia Taudevin, Peter Arnott, Sara Shaarawi, Jenny Lindsay, Lucy Macaulay, Cora Bissett, Fiona Ferguson and Kirstin Innes. We’re all Yes voters, pretty much, but we’re interested in exploring issues around the referendum, and bringing them to a wider audience, rather than trying to convert anyone. We’re really pleased with the line-up of guests we’ve put together, which includes some of Scotland’s leading thinkers – academics, journalists, politicians, poets, theatre-makers – and some fantastic music too.
If you can’t make it through to Edinburgh in August, all the shows will be made available as podcasts. Some are online already.
Anyway, go take a look at the website. Even if you have no interest in the independence referendum (although you really should, if you live in the UK at very least), it has some good Bowie jokes.